League Bowling Update (August, 2020)
League Bowling Update (August, 2020) Hello League Bowlers and Friends! We hope this message finds you and your family healthy and well! While we have been busy working on getting a plan in place for league bowling, we created a way to facilitate league sign-ups from home! Attached you will find the link which will take you to online league sign-ups. Please complete the form at your earliest convenience if you would like to participate in our 2020 social distancing league season! Keep an eye out for a follow-up email as we will be contacting you after you have filled out the online form. If you are a returning league bowler, your league secretary will also be making contact with you soon about different league options that will be taking place this season. If you haven’t been in since we’ve reopened under the COVID guidelines, you will notice some big changes in how we operate – to keep you and ourCrew as safe as possible! Please see our attached Promise for detailed information on how things have changed at TenDown. Also, please be aware that face coverings are required inside our building at all times, even while bowling. The only time you are permitted to remove your mask is while eating & drinking. We recommend the clear plastic face shields while you are bowling, as they allow better airflow than a cloth covering.We appreciate your willingness to comply with the government mandates. We can’t wait to hear from you, and get back to bowling! Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or need help completing your league sign up. Alyssa Jarvisalyssa@tendownbowling.com CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP NOW
Join Us For Graffiti Weekend
Join Us For Graffiti Weekend